The Seattle World's Fair, or Century 21 Exposition was held in
Seattle, Washington in 1962.
Note: I lost my access to the web site and after nearly 6 years I have been successful in recovering
access to my web site. I will now begin to post updates and hope that you
continue to enjoy the site. I have also updated the link to my
email. Feel free to send me any questions or comments that you have.
Thank You, Ray
site is dedicated to collectors and enthusiasts of the Seattle
World's Fair and all of its related memorabilia. Between April 21
and October 21, 1962, close to 10 million people visited the Seattle
World’s Fair. I was 5 years old at the time and for me, the Fair was
a magical place, filled with multi-colored lights, wonderful sights
and smells and exciting rides. The Space Needle, Monorail and the
Gayway were thrilling! Delicious food, fun times, fond memories and
collectibles were all available at the Seattle World’s Fair.
site contains Memorabilia, Ephemera, Coins, Medals, Tokens, Pins,
Buttons, Posters, Jewelry, Plates, Ashtrays, Cups, Glasses, Spoons,
Postcards and First Day Covers, Cachets, Brochures, Advertisements,
and all things from the fair. I have done my best to categorize and
list these items and what the fair market price for them is. I have
collected quite a few items from the fair and have researched their
prices for many years. I have tried to be as fair with pricing as
possible and to be as complete as possible with this site. I'm sure
there are still many items from the Fair that I have not come
across. If you would care to send me a picture, description and
price, I will be happy to post it on this site.
Ray J.
President John F. Kennedy
Opens the Fair!

The President officially opened the Fair on April 21st, 1962.
He spoke by telephone from the Michael Paul residence in Palm
Beach, Fla., where he and Mrs. Kennedy were spending the Easter
holidays. His voice was heard by 12,000 people seated in the stadium
on the fairgrounds in Seattle for the opening ceremonies.
I AM HONORED to open the Seattle World's fair today. What we show
is achieved with great effort in the fields of science, technology
and industry. These accomplishments are a bridge which carry us
confidently towards the 21st century. Many nations have sent
exhibits and will send their people. We welcome them.
This exemplifies the spirit of peace and cooperation with which we
approach the decades ahead.
This manner of opening the fair is in keeping with the
exposition's space age theme. Literally we are reaching out through
space on the new ocean to a star which we have never seen, to
intercept sound in the form of radio waves already ten thousand
years old, to start the fair.
The sound emanates from Cassiopeia A in the northern sky.
Astronomers see only a faint filmy cloud where the entire
constellation is located. How different did our globe look ten
thousand years ago when that sound started its long voyage? We hope
that the light which starts from that star today--ten thousand years
later arrives here--will see a happy and a peaceful world.
I am confident that as this sound from outer space is utilized to
open the fair, the fair in turn will open the doors to further
scientific gains by letting all see what has been accomplished
Before me is a telegraphic key that is of special significance. It
has been used by seven Presidents to open great expositions such as
the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in Seattle in 1909, the Panama
Canal, and many others. It was presented to me by your senior
Senator Warren Magnuson at the White House last Wednesday.
By closing this key may we open not only a great World's fair, may
we open an era of peace and understanding among all mankind.
Let the fair begin! |